#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Monument Valley - A Sociological Experiment ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_ABA074AC_A457_F115_41DB_9D44756E7655.html =
-Correct Answer-
B) 1000 Feet

Some of the rock formations that define this region reach a height of over 1,000 feet (304 meters) above the plateau floor.

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-Correct Answer-
B) 1000 Feet

Some of the rock formations that define this region reach a height of over 1,000 feet (304 meters) above the plateau floor.

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-Correct Answer-
D) 371 Square Kilometers

Monument Valley covers an area of just 91,696 acres (371 square kilometers). In comparison, the entire Colorado Plateau covers an area of over 83.2 million acres (336,700 square kilometers).

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-Correct Answer-
D) 371 Square Kilometers

Monument Valley covers an area of just 91,696 acres (371 square kilometers). In comparison, the entire Colorado Plateau covers an area of over 83.2 million acres (336,700 square kilometers).

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Welcome To The Monument Valley 360 Sociological Experiment!
Brought To You By The 4 Corners In 360

In this 360 Interactive project you will receive a series of questions about Monument Valley, this project is to help educate, entertain and inform viewers on the history of various locations within the four corners area.

In this quiz you will receive a total of five questions one right after the other depending on your answer. you will not be able to move on to the next question until you have answered the previous one correctly, And question popup cards will be populated from right to left. Each correct answer is worth 20 points.

again, this module is dedicated to informing, educating and inviting viwers in an entertaining way, on the history of various locations and areas all over the four corners area.

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HTMLText_AE24FB03_A0FC_59F5_41D0_6F414DA10D3B_mobile.html =
Welcome To The Monument Valley 360 Sociological Experiment!
Brought To You By The 4 Corners In 360

In this 360 Interactive project you will receive a series of questions about Monument Valley, this project is to help educate, entertain and inform viewers on the history of various locations within the four corners area.

In this quiz you will receive a total of five questions one right after the other depending on your answer. you will not be able to move on to the next question until you have answered the previous one correctly, And question popup cards will be populated from right to left. Each correct answer is worth 20 points.

again, this module is dedicated to informing, educating and inviting viwers in an entertaining way, on the history of various locations and areas all over the four corners area.

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HTMLText_B4155594_A453_7334_41BD_95B84C7B3976.html =
-Correct Answer-
D) Chelly Sandstone

The distinctive buttes inside the region are stratified into 3 distinctive layers of stones. From bottom to top these are Organ Rock Shale, Chelly Sandstone, and the Moenkopi Formation topped by Shinarump Conglomerate.

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HTMLText_B4155594_A453_7334_41BD_95B84C7B3976_mobile.html =
-Correct Answer-
D) Chelly Sandstone

The distinctive buttes inside the region are stratified into 3 distinctive layers of stones. From bottom to top these are Organ Rock Shale, Chelly Sandstone, and the Moenkopi Formation topped by Shinarump Conglomerate.

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HTMLText_B45B774C_A457_FF15_41BA_0D66930EDF44.html =
-Correct Answer-
C) Uranium Mines

The region was temporarily the home of uranium mines during the two decades following World War II between 1945 and 1967. Uranium is found all across this region and is derived from a geological formation called the “Chinle Formation” which dates back to the late Triassic Period (237 and 201.3 million years ago).

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HTMLText_B45B774C_A457_FF15_41BA_0D66930EDF44_mobile.html =
-Correct Answer-
C) Uranium Mines

The region was temporarily the home of uranium mines during the two decades following World War II between 1945 and 1967. Uranium is found all across this region and is derived from a geological formation called the “Chinle Formation” which dates back to the late Triassic Period (237 and 201.3 million years ago).

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-Correct Answer-
A) Iron Oxide

The distinctive red color of the stones. This lively color comes from the iron oxide that is present in the siltstone that makes up the valley.
Some of the stones turn blue-gray as well, and this is caused by the manganese oxide that is present in these particular stones and becomes exposed due to weathering.

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-Correct Answer-
A) Iron Oxide

The distinctive red color of the stones. This lively color comes from the iron oxide that is present in the siltstone that makes up the valley.

Some of the stones turn blue-gray as well, and this is caused by the manganese oxide that is present in these particular stones and becomes exposed due to weathering.

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### Label Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A.text = Monument Valley Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A_mobile.text = Monument Valley Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2.text = A 360 Interactive Sociological Experiment Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2_mobile.text = A 360 Interactive Sociological Experiment ## Media ### Title panorama_ACDAC15C_A0FD_A813_41E1_41175C1DE9C5.label = Monument Valley ## Hotspot ### Tooltip FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B66D25C1_A134_6875_41CA_5A83D3BA7AA5.toolTip = Click here to answer question FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B6C529E3_A134_5835_41A4_93CCAFC50452.toolTip = Click here to answer question FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B909487B_A134_B815_41DF_F67B9D7A5A2A.toolTip = Click here to answer question FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B9D3F08F_A134_E80D_41C7_2EA166A5F5D9.toolTip = Click here to answer question FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B9DE3B9D_A134_D80D_41DD_A244CEB5EF6C.toolTip = Click here to answer question ## E-Learning ### Answer questionOption_B002E9AC_A475_5315_41E1_56C0F08258E7.text = Magnesium Sulfate questionOption_B013DC6B_A475_5113_41BC_C08D8DF3E67B.text = Chloride questionOption_B01C8F0B_A475_4F1C_41CA_29081BA5963D.text = Uranium questionOption_B02446ED_A475_5117_41CF_FBD3B3D09FA8.text = Iron Oxide questionOption_B0868F61_A47D_4F0F_41C6_368DA0EAE48A.text = 531 Square Kilometers questionOption_B096A183_A47D_B313_41C7_878113C8C754.text = 371 Square Kilometers questionOption_B0B12D4E_A47D_5314_41DB_094EEE8401B1.text = 301 Square Kilometers questionOption_B0DE7B0B_A47D_5713_41BC_BCD4F947E5F0.text = 271 Square Kilometers questionOption_B3845E79_A457_51FF_41E2_5C7145B35C4E.text = 2000 Feet questionOption_B485148E_A453_5115_41E1_1DC124187240.text = Moenkopi Formation questionOption_B4A5FA0C_A453_5115_41A0_8203A177E0B0.text = Chelly Sandstone questionOption_B4B697AB_A453_5F13_41C2_72303B03B56F.text = Shinarump Conglomerate questionOption_B4E591CF_A453_5313_41CB_149A50930F44.text = Organ Rock Shale questionOption_BC0521C9_A44E_B31F_41E2_6FB6C388AE78.text = Coal Mines questionOption_BC1DDF96_A44F_4F35_41D5_43171CB17D53.text = Plutonium Mines questionOption_BC50D58E_A457_7315_41B7_2F43BA53F953.text = 2500 Feet questionOption_BC58036B_A457_7713_41D8_4CD785BB54E4.text = 1500 Feet questionOption_BC6F908D_A457_7117_41D5_06D769A6EC41.text = 1000 Feet questionOption_BCF6D5C0_A44E_B30D_41D5_6C9C522A8FD0.text = Diamond Mines questionOption_BCFDF3BD_A44E_B777_41DB_DF9A79E18B1D.text = Uranium Mines ### Qualification calification_B945545D_A114_A80D_41BE_1C47F74AD052.text = B- Good Job calification_B945645D_A114_A80D_41AF_F497FBBB01B9.text = C- Fair Job calification_B945745D_A114_A80D_41B1_CC8B7DED842C.text = D- Failed Please Try Again calification_B945C45D_A114_A80D_41D7_0AF3F1344756.text = A - Excellent Job ### Score Name score1.label = Overall Score ### Question question_ABAE43FF_A453_F6F3_41BB_FB86802A5E09.title = The distinctive buttes inside the region are stratified into 3 distinctive layers of stones, (Organ Rock Shale, Chelly Sandstone,and the Moenkopi Formation topped by Shinarump Conglomerate) which of these stones makes up the middle segment of these buttes? question_B0086B01_A47D_570F_41D8_F6F10E82F43F.title = Approximately how many square kilometers does the area known as Monument Valley Cover? question_B390B2CD_A44F_B117_4198_982CECB65652.title = The Region Was Home To What Type Of Mines Following World War Two? question_B3BC8C98_A456_B13D_41DD_DFF27984BF45.title = How Tall Are Some Of The Rocks That Define This Region? question_B6B0766B_A476_D113_41D1_0BB445ACC141.title = From what mineral do the stones get their red color? ### Question Screen quizQuestion_B980AA2B_A10C_5835_41CC_0D1300D150DF.ok = OK ### Report Screen quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.completion = Completed quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.description = Thanks for taking a moment to learn more about monument valley I hope youve found this 360 interactive experience both informative and entertaining. quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.downloadCSV = Download .csv quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.elapsedTime = Time quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.items = Items Found quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.questions = Questions quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.questionsCorrect = Correct quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.repeat = Repeat quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.submitToLMS = Submit quizScore_B9829A2B_A10C_5835_41AE_209A90C4BFA1.title = - SCORE - ### Timeout Screen quizTimeout_B981BA2B_A10C_5835_41C9_72B527661CFC.repeat = Repeat quizTimeout_B981BA2B_A10C_5835_41C9_72B527661CFC.score = View Score quizTimeout_B981BA2B_A10C_5835_41C9_72B527661CFC.title = - TIMEOUT -